The Wall
- netdiscover
- Nmap
- Wireshark
- Netcat
- Wfuzz
- Nikto
- Hash-identifier
- Hashcat
- Steghide
Use netdiscover to detect target IP address
netdiscover -i eth0 -r is the target.
Then run nmap to detect opening ports and running services on the target machine.
nmap -sV -v -O -A -T5 -p-
However, no port is opening.
use wireshark to check the traffic
find the target send packet to TCP port 1337 in my Kali.
nc -nlvp 1337
nothing cool shows.
rerun nmap, find port 80 is opening now
I use wfuzz and nikto and find nothing.
The webpage just show a image. check the source code:
find an interesting string. 737465673d3333313135373330646262623337306663626539373230666536333265633035
use Hash-identifier cannot figure out what’s encode type. Finally, I find it is hex encode in hackbar. Hex decode to character, get
use Hash-identifier to find out 33115730dbbb370fcbe9720fe632ec05
is a MD5
use hashcat to crack it.
hashcat hash.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
get password is divisionbell
Now I want to check the image to see if there is any hiden information
steghide extract -p divisionbell -sf pink_floyd.jpg
get the result:
is very interesting. |
separates the string into two parts.
is base64 encoded, decode it, SydBarrett
is MD5. crack it.
its pinkfloydrocks
now what, remember enumerate, enumerate and enumerate.
rerun nmap again,
port 1965 is opening and running ssh
login using SydBarrett/pinkfloydrocks.
shows This service allows sftp connections only
use sftp to login
sftp -P 1965 SydBarrett@
check the files
sftp> ls -ahl
check the file eclipsed_by_the_moon
tar zxvf eclipsed_by_the_moon
foremost -v -i eclipsed_by_the_moon.lsd
got a jpg file. Roger Waters
open it
and his password is hello_is_there_anybody_in_there
based on previous username SydBarrett
, Roger Waters user name should be RogerWaters
ssh RogerWaters@ -p 1965
check sticky bit set
1 2 3 4 |
has sticky bit set.
run it